Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Swatch: Scofflaw Varnish Sturm Und Drang

"Ask, and you shall receive."
Finally, the one polish that I've missed from Scofflaw is MINE.
MINEEEEEEE! *inserts Golum voice here*

I am not sure what Sturm Und Drang is but it sounds cool and slightly angry (like how Germans language sounds to me in general).......which, of course, makes it even cooler.

Imagine someone at work or your Starbucks barista asks you, "What nail polish are you wearing?" and you could just pause for a second to stare at them dead in the eye and hiss, "STURM UND DRANG.........." then sashay your way out.

Ugh, so cool.

Anyway, yes, yet another awesome polish as you may have guessed. The moment I saw it in Scofflaw's site, I knew I had to have it. Same reaction I had the first time I saw Jason Momoa, but I'm still working on that one

'Sturm Und Drang' is a pewter polish full of shimmer and scattered silver holographic highlights. It features glitters in aqua, silver, gunmetal, lavender, violet, and lime green.
Sturm Und Drang looks like a asphalt sprinkle with lettuce, ice cubes and radicchio. It's so unique and beautiful...

Infinite swatches of Sturm Und Drang (2 coats) with Out The Door top coat
I just want to bask in all its glory
Sturm Und Drang
I really do hope any of you who participated in Scofflaw's 2nd launch got everything they wanted. Thank you again for reading my post :)

Til next time~


  1. This one is so edgy! I'd want to try it in the future :D anyway I've followed your blog, would be very happy if you'd check mine out too :) Thanks! http://peachysweetness.blogspot.com

  2. Hello from a fellow Indonesian! Your photos are so lovely, and your nail shapes are perfect! :)

  3. @mbengmellow: Let me know when you get to try it :) I'm heading to your blog right now!

  4. This is beautiful. I'm really hoping I can get a bottle of this one soon :D


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